Christianity makes many claims about being different from all other religions. Below are two of the best Christian ‘apologists’ (old meaning: defender of the faith) who you can find on Youtube. They discuss the uniqueness and special focus of Christianity as opposed to other religions. Most of these are no longer than ten minutes. At least give the first Youtube below a try. It is a wonderful example of the difference between Christianity and other religions.
Unconditional Love & Christianity – John Lennox at Harvard. Click here.
Here is a little more unpacking about what Lennox said above. Both Lennox and William Lane Craig point out that all religions can’t be true because they contradict each other.
John Lennox: How do I choose which religion to follow? Click here.
Also try William Lane Craig: How Can Christianity be the Only True Religion. Click here.
More detailed explanations for believing in Christianity versus atheism.
Huge problem for Atheism by Lennox. Click here.
Written argument (very detailed) by William Lane Craig against atheism. Click here.
How Science and Mathematics Worship God by John Lennox. Click here.
Surviving Religion 101by Michael Kruger. Click here.
See for more information about Craig.
Tom Kennedy